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SREEJITH BOSE - Grade 10, Birla public school, Qatar

I study in Birla Public School and reside in Qatar.
I recently attended VedAtma counselling with hopes to find the career field I am best suited to. I was very happy to find that this counselling process was effective in addressing my career exploration. I was able to understand my career interest, aptitude, personality and finally my unique natural potential. Moreover I was also able to understand the way my interests were being assessed, and how I can also use this method to assess myself if I develop any future interests.
VedAtma counselling process can be very effective to find out one's potential and the field the person is most suited to.

ANANYA TOMER - Grade 10, Navy Children School ,Kochi

I am a 10th grade student in Navy Children School (Kochi).
I found VedAtma in my search to determine future career possibilities and the streams to choose in plus-2. VedAtma's Career Counselling Process was effective in addressing my career exploration. I now know what to do and how to step into the career fields which will keep me satisfied and happy. I will not end up wasting time, money and effort when its time to get a job. I can take a well informed choice.
Another learning was about personality types and why others are different from me and why we react differently.
It has been a truly enlightening experience, all thanks to VedAtma.

MAHIMA CHANDAK - Undergraduate

The career guidance sessions have helped me explore not just my career options but also given me an insight into my personality. From knowing my personality type through the MBTI® assessments to finding out my interests and skill sets through SII, the tests were absolutely effective in discovering my potential and finding a career best-fit for my type. The test also opened me up to a wide array of job options, that I was previously unaware of.

When I started taking my tests, I only wanted to gain some clarity on the course I should pursue for my Post Graduation but I took back more than just that. It has given me a deeper understanding about myself, introduced me to indicators that essentially drive me and most importantly helped me realise that I could always play my positives to my benefit in any kind of a job setting.

It goes unsaid that the tests have given me immense clarity on best-fit career options as well as graduation courses. I find myself recommending these sessions to friends and family and I only wish I had taken them earlier.

MICHELLE ANN GEORGE - Grade 10, Rajagiri Christu Jayanti Public School, Cochin

I am a Grade 10 student in Rajagiri Christu Jayanthi Public School, Cochin. My main objective was to know my main interests and which career path it lies in.

Vedatma counselling process was great in helping me. It is a unique technique to help students like me open my mind and go beyond the boundaries of career choices. It introduces a wide variety of careers, some of which I haven't heard before but at the same time interested me. I appreciate the Vedatma method of guiding me.

I particularly liked the drawing that represented three ways to choose the career suitable for me, based on a combination of personality, career interest and aptitude. I thought Career interest and Aptitude were the only ones to determine my career but then you made me realise how much my personality was involved. Thank you.

REUBEN MANOJ - Grade 9, Chavara Darsan CMI Public School

I am a Std IX student studying at Chavara Darsan CMI Public School. I wanted to do this career counseling process to get clarity on which stream of education to choose in Plus 2.

VedAtma has helped me to identify my strengths and reiterated my liking towards choosing my future career through an appropriate study stream. In particular, I liked the exercises which were very interesting and the way Eldho Sir spoke politely and explained very patiently. Thank you.

SHEBA ELIZABETH - BBA Graduate, Rajagiri, Kakkanad

I am a B.B.A Graduate from Rajagiri, Kakkanad. My objective in undergoing VedAtma Counselling Process was to have a clear idea on what to do in the future that would satisfy me.

The VedAtma Counselling Process was effective in helping to clear my concerns related to my career exploration. Especially, it has cleared all my confusions with regard to my interests and aptitude. I enjoyed the entire VedAtma Counselling Process. Most importantly, clearing a confused state of mind helps one to understand themselves better.

PRATHIK VENU - Grade 12, Toc H Public School ,Kochi

My objective in attending the VedAtma Counselling Process was to find my inner potential and match it with my aspirations.

The VedAtma process was very helpful in unfolding my potential through the assessment and counselling methods using MBTI, STRONG, RIASEC, etc—and it was a really good way of identifying my real self. I could now strongly decide on my career, and how my future should be designed rightfully in my own way.

The main takeaway I had through this program was to confidently and aptfully decide on my career and my paths to my dreams and goals towards success. I’m now able to confidently tell about who I am and what I am. Thank you.

V ROSHAN - Grade 12, Bhavans Vidya Mandir Girinagar, Cochin

I'm a Class XII student at Bhavans Vidya Mandir, Girinagar, Cochin. My objective in undergoing the VedAtma Counselling Process was to find out and know more about different career opportunities and college courses that I could do after completing Class 12.

VedAtma’s Career Counselling Process was highly beneficial for me. It made me aware about the different courses and careers that I could do or get into. I also came to understand different aspects of my personality of which I was not aware earlier. It was an elaborate process which made me think about several options and whether these are suited to my personality, interest and skill. Through this process, I now have a better understanding of my personality, interests and aptitude and also those important points I must consider before choosing a career option.

SHOBIN MARKOSE - B.com Graduate

As I completed my B.Com as influenced by parents, I knew I didn't belong to a bunch of accountants. My heart as always was in the Film world. My aspirations went from that of being an actor to a cinematographer. We approached VedAtma with an open mind. I was ready to hear things from a different perspective and thus began my short journey with my counselor Mr. Eldho Kuruvilla.

After I completed the 2 online assessments, the counselling sessions commenced and I felt the value addition as the sessions progressed. Finally when all 3 aspects - career interests, personality and aptitude were done with and the unveiling of my Unique Natural Potential took place, I was more than happy to see that I did fit in to my dream world. Today I am pursuing my studies to be a good Cinematographer.

Thanks Mr. Eldho for the wonderful revelation that has taken place in my life. I strongly recommend every student to come in and get VedAtma Process done for self assurance.

MBTI, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the MBTI logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Myers & Briggs Foundation in the United States and other countries. Strong Interest Inventory and the Strong logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CPP, Inc., in the United States and other countries. The Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children, MMTIC are registered trademarks of CAPT, Inc.
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