Frequently asked questions

What can MBTI® do for me?

MBTI® can help you identify your unique strengths and blind spots. The information provides an opportunity to learn more about you, your natural strengths and potential areas for growth. It helps you understand why you are a certain way. It also creates awareness and understanding about people and why they do and say the things they do.

What’s the minimum age required to take the MBTI® Assessment?

The MBTI® is intended for use with individuals over the age of 14 years, at a 7th-grade reading level. For young students from ages of 14, the MBTI® tool can be really useful in terms of understanding learning styles, self-awareness, relationship with others and career guidance.

There is the MMTIC® (Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children) based on the same concepts as MBTI®, which is usually used for younger children in Grade 2 to Grade 8 (ages 7-13). The MMTIC® assessment can help children understand themselves better, and give parents and teachers better tools and insights to reach children with different learning styles.

How much time will it take me to do the MBTI® Assessment?

Though there is no time stipulation, normally it takes approximately 20-40 minutes to answer the 93 questions. It is okay to finish it in shorter or longer time. This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers, it is an assessment to understand your own preferences.

How can MBTI® help me to choose what to study further and my career goals?

People tend to be attracted to, and are usually most satisfied, in careers that make use of their preferences. MBTI® assessment gives your psychological type that highlights your preferences, an invaluable tool in career planning.

It is important to note that psychological type provided by MBTI® does not explain everything. This is about preferences, not knowledge, skills, interests or ability, all of which should also be considered in a career decision.

Is MBTI® effectively used throughout the world?

After more than 60 years of research, the current MBTI® assessment is the most widely used instrument for understanding normal personality differences. Used by an average of 1.5 million people each year, MBTI® has been translated into over 30 languages.

Some estimates have it that over 10,000 companies, 2,500 colleges and universities and 200 government agencies in the United States alone use the MBTI®. It has been estimated that 50 million people have taken the Myers-Briggs personality test since the Educational Testing Service first added the research to its portfolio in 1962.

According to CPP, the company that administrates the MBTI®, college and universities worldwide use the test, as do 89 of the Fortune 100 companies.

What Makes MBTI® Different from other personality tests?

The MBTI® instrument was the first tool to describe healthy, normal personalities rather than abnormal ones. Knowledge of type helps people better understand themselves and each other, resulting in more effective and satisfying human interaction.

No other personality assessment is backed by as much research and as many years of use as is the MBTI® instrument, which has been taken by millions of people worldwide. The MBTI® instrument is continually updated through ongoing research to ensure its ability to identify meaningful personality differences.

What will the MBTI® Assessment tell me about myself that I don’t already know?

The MBTI® assessment is a self-report tool—it gives you answers based on what you report about yourself—so in one sense, it may tell you many things you already know. But knowing something and being able to use it effectively in your life are two vastly different things.

Most people enjoy taking the MBTI® assessment, and when they get their results, they feel affirmed in that they’ve received an accurate description of their personality. Many go on to set new goals and improve their careers, make better decisions and have better relationships.

Further, the MBTI® is required to be administered by a Certified Practitioner, to have a feedback session with the Practitioner about your assessment results in order to get a best-fit personality type. This means you get to know more about your personality and its implications.

Do MBTI® measure skills and abilities?

No. It indicates preferences and reveals nothing about skills or abilities. The classic example is signing your name. Each of us has a preferred hand for writing. We can use the other hand, but it feels odd, awkward, and uncomfortable. The same is true for the four scales of preferences in MBTI®. We have our own preferences on each scale. Like our hands, we use both sides every day. Yet one hand is our dominant hand. The MBTI® helps us discover more about our dominant preferences.

Is the MBTI® Assessment Reliable and Valid?

Yes. MBTI®’s reliability has been proven statistically, and its validity firmly established in numerous studies.

Reliability is about consistent results - Do people tend to reply to the items in the same way when they take the assessment later, and do they tend to get the same four-letter type? Can you count on the results?

Validity refers to the instrument’s ability to identify psychological types according to Carl Jung’s theory. Does it measure properly what it is intended to measure?

Does MBTI® type change with culture, age or mood?
  • Culture: No, MBTI® type is universal. That is, the personalities of all human beings are structured in accordance with type theory, regardless of culture. Support for this universality comes from the fact that many translations of the MBTI® questionnaire are used successfully.
  • Age: No, type does not change with age as it deals with inborn preferences (think about your preferred hand for writing). However, an important aspect of Jung's theory (on which MBTI® is modeled) is its focus on the development of personality throughout the life span. For example, in childhood and adolescence, type is not fully differentiated, and there is a 'trying out' of the functions. We get better at using a greater range of the preferences throughout life, although this can be helped or hindered according to the environment.
  • Mood: One's preferred type does not change as it is inborn, but it is possible to use all of the preferences, and mood is likely to affect the choice of preference used. For example, under stress, the least preferred function that is least developed is expressed in a distorted way, which could result in an uncharacteristic behavior.
What's the Strong Interest Inventory® and how will it help me?

The Strong Interest Inventory® (SII) is an interest inventory used in career assessment. The goal of this assessment is to give insight into a person's interests, so that they may have less difficulty in deciding on an appropriate career choice for themselves. SII essentially matches people to educational fields and careers that best fits them. This can help you pick an educational direction, find a satisfying start to your career, change careers if you need to or encourage career development when you’re stagnant.

At its core level, the Strong Interest Inventory® is based on the idea you are more productive and satisfied when you work at a job you find interesting with like-minded people.

It is used extensively in school settings for giving students educational guidance in career counseling

What’s the minimum age required to take the Strong Interest Inventory® Assessment?

The Strong is designed for high school and senior school students, college students, and adults, and is at about the ninth-grade reading level.

How much time will I take to do the Strong Interest Inventory® Assessment?

Though there is no stipulated time, it takes about 30-45 minutes to complete the 291 questions.

Why the Strong Interest Inventory®?

The Strong Interest Inventory® (SII) is the most respected and widely used instrument for career exploration / planning in the world. Introduced in 1927, it has evolved over many decades, continuously to work effectively across genders and ethnicities. The 2004 edition also had its occupational scales adjusted for the ever-evolving job market and new technology-driven fields. Simply put, the Strong Interest Inventory® continues with its reputation as being the gold standard in career development.

Does Strong Interest Inventory® measure my ability and skill set?

No, it does not examine your abilities or skills. The SII is an ‘inventory of your interests’. With 291 questions, the SII has you indicate your choice of occupations, school subjects, activities and types of people.

These results are personalized reports that identify optimum career choices based on interests as well as additional related similar job descriptions.

The Validity of The Strong Interest Inventory® Test

The Strong Interest Inventory® test has had countless studies over its 80 plus-year existence to confirm its validity. The SII has also been updated throughout to adapt to the ever-changing work environment.

How is the Strong different from the Myers-Briggs?

The Strong compares your interests to people who are working in various professions.

The Myers-Briggs sorts your personality preferences for decision making, taking in energy, gathering information, and lifestyle to show how you prefer to live your life.

Free Versus Paid Assessments

There are many free personality and interest inventory tests and assessments available on the Internet. Though some of these tests attempt to mimic MBTI® or Strong, they are neither valid nor reliable in assessing you.

The MBTI® test has been rewritten for validity and cross-culturally tested for over 40 years. Strong has been in existence for over 80 years and tested rigorously for validity over the decades.

VedAtma logo is a registered trademark of VedAtma Educational and Career Consulting Private Limited in India. Myers- Briggs Type Indicator and the MBTI logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Myers & Briggs Foundation, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Strong Interest Inventory and the Strong logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Myers-Briggs Company in the United States and other countries. The Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children, MMTIC are registered trademarks of Elizabeth Murphy and Charles Meisgeier in the United States and other countries. The MMTIC logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Center for Applications of Psychological Type, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
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