Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®(MBTI®) assessment is a self-report questionnaire. It is designed to determine an individual’s personality type. It enhances the understanding of an individual’s motivations, natural strengths and potential areas of growth, providing an excellent foundation for an individual to achieve their career goals.

Quick Facts
Why it’s popular
How It Helps

Strong Interest Inventory®

The Strong Interest Inventory® Assessment is one of the world’s most trusted career planning tools extensively used by academic and business institutes for educational guidance and career counseling. The test provides valuable insights into an individual’s vocational and personal interests effectively aligning their preferences with potential educational, professional, and leisure activities. In today’s world of endless and ever-growing opportunities, it is the best instrument available for students to help them make promising educational and occupational choices for a rewarding and satisfactory career.

Why it’s popular
How It Helps
Product Features

Unique Natural Potential

This is the convergence of Personality, Career Interests and Aptitude of the students. Unique Natural Potential is matched to the best-fit study/career options.


Assessment Tools